Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Ebb and Flow Bathroom Surprises at Miami Art Works

Hands Reaching painted canvas series: What If?

Tampon Necklaces and found plush

Pillar with doll head and perfume bottle with beads

Here are some views from inside of the bathroom and the surprises found therein.  There were several other works created specifically to accompany the Ebb & Flow Journal that were hidden here for people to discover later.

More Images of Ebb and Flow from Miami Art Works

Here are some details of the overall hallway and the glass tampon ornaments hanging above the door to the bathroom.

Hallway with Lil Miss Spurtz wig on door to bathroom.

 Glass tampon ornaments
Cookies from cookie giveaway

Ebb and Flow Installed at Miami Art Works in Arizona

Better late than never...  I somehow never got around to posting pictures of the big installation while playing catch up after the trip, so here they are.  The Ebb and Flow Journal covers both sides of the hallway leading to the stairwell bathroom along with other accents from among my menstruation artworks.

This is the large wall which is visible from the stairs as well.
This is the smaller wall with the stairs.

I will include more detail images as well as some pictures from within the bathroom itself in another post.

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Ebb & Flow Journal Is Coming!!!



Ebb & Flow Journal is coming!

This yearlong immersive installation art display by Jennifer Weigel can only be found at Miami Art Works in Miami AZ for a limited time.  Individual artworks are offered by exchange for new unopened feminine care products and will leave as they are claimed, so be sure to catch a glimpse of this unique experience while it lasts.

Opens during the Miami Loco Arts Festival, April 21 - 23, 2023.